Does Pregnancy Affect Vision?

Published by Lance Kugler, MD on July 15, 2015

At Kugler Vision in Omaha, common questions we receive are, “can I have LASIK when I am pregnant?”, “does LASIK wear off” and “can breastfeeding affect vision?” In this blog post, we will discuss how and why a woman’s eyes change when pregnant and what we recommend about LASIK during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Does Affect Vision but Only Minimally
pregnant lady reading a book

When a woman is pregnant, fluid retention and hormone fluctuations can create changes all over the body, including to the eyes. Multiple scientific studies have shown that patients can become more myopic, or nearsighted, during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.  Patients’ eyes return to prepregnancy measurements, however, after they give birth or when breastfeeding is complete.

Existing Eye Condition Changes

For better or worse, pregnancy can also bring changes to existing eye conditions. Eyes may become drier and more irritated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Subtle changes can also happen in the shape and thickness of the cornea, resulting in difficulty wearing contact lenses. These changes are usually temporary and will reverse themselves within several months of delivery.

Concerning Changes

While some distance vision changes or minor changes to existing conditions are common, there are some changes that can signal a more serious problem. Women should contact their doctor if they are experiencing:

  • double vision
  • blurry vision
  • sensitivity to light
  • temporary loss of vision
  • seeing spots or flashing lights

LASIK and Pregnancy

LASIK is not advised during pregnancy and breastfeeding because of the temporary vision changes experienced. In order to receive the best results from LASIK eye surgery, a patient must have a stable prescription. A stable prescription is important. When pregnant or nursing, women can experience fluctuation in their vision. If a woman receives LASIK while pregnant, the outcomes are less predictable. She will most likely have an over-correction or an under-correction with the LASIK procedure due to her temporary prenatal vision changes.

Lance Kugler, MD of Kugler Vision in Omaha, NE wants to provide everyone with their best possible vision, and that is why we don’t recommend LASIK during pregnancy. Pregnant womanLASIK is an option before, between, or after having children. The best option while pregnant or breastfeeding is to wait to have LASIK because it will ensure the best results possible from the vision correction procedure. If you are interested in LASIK, having an eye exam before your pregnancy will be a helpful reference point for Lance Kugler, MD Kugler Vision’s LASIK surgeon, to refer to when analyzing your specific vision needs.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions or concerns about receiving LASIK and how vision is affected during pregnancy, please contact us at 402.558.2211. We will give you the answers you are looking for.

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