LASIK Overview

Over the last 25 years, more than 25 million LASIK procedures have been performed worldwide, with a patient satisfaction rate of more than 98 percent. LASIK is:

  • a life-changing, transformational experience
  • a possibility for about 90 percent of people in the age range of 20-45 years
    who wear glasses or contact lenses
  • virtually painless – you only feel slight pressure during the procedure
  • quick recovery – you are back to work and driving the very next day
  • safer than contacts – you are five times more likely to have an eye infection from contact lenses vs. LASIK
  • permanent – no more glasses or contacts
  • a money saver – the onetime cost of LASIK saves you thousands of dollars in the long run. The sooner you invest in LASIK, the sooner you stop the neverending expenses of glasses and contacts.

Discover Your Options

When ocular maturity is reached, typically between ages 18-21, eye prescriptions stabilize and LASIK becomes a permanent vision correction solution. LASIK reshapes the cornea – the front of the eye – to change its focusing power, resulting in clear vision. LASIK is a permanent solution that helps you see more naturally and frees you from the daily hassles of glasses and contact lenses. LASIK is the most common laser vision correction procedure, however, if you are not a good candidate for LASIK, we offer a full range of vision correction options, so you can achieve your vision goals.

Who Can Have LASIK?

Another vision condition that can be treated with LASIK, or other types of laser vision correction, is contact lens intolerance (CLI). CLI is a common and uncomfortable condition that affects those who have consistently worn contact lenses, and it progresses over time. Essentially, CLI is the the body’s rejection of the contact lens in the eye. People suffering from CLI will notice progressively worse discomfort while wearing contact lenses. Some common symptoms of CLI are:

  • Scratchy, dry, or irritated eyes
  • An annoying “foreign body sensation” in the eye when wearing contacts
  • Excessively tired eyes when wearing contacts
  • Redness
  • Inflammation
  • Pain, stinging, or other discomfort when applying contact lenses
  • Corneal abrasions
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Rationing contact lens time
  • Resorting to glasses

LASIK vision correction treats CLI at the root cause: the long-term reliance on irritating contact lenses. People who suspect they may be suffering from CLI are encouraged to see a doctor before the condition worsens. To find out if CLI may be affecting you, take our contact lens intolerance self-test.

LASIK is one of the seven vision correction procedures we offer at Kugler Vision. The best way to know if you are able to free yourself from glasses and contacts is to come in for a complimentary consultation. You will have a full ocular analysis, meet with Lance Kugler, MD, and he will recommend the best solution for your unique eyes after examining the data.

The LASIK Procedure

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The video goes over what happens during the LASIK procedure, step by step. The procedure takes less than six minutes, and the laser is only on your eye for just a few seconds. If you have the urge to sneeze and cough, don’t worry. Nothing you can do will “mess up” your LASIK procedure. The laser has an eye-tracking device and will move with your eye. If your movement is too dramatic, the laser will just shut off. The procedure is safe, and is done with the latest state-of-the-art technology.