Thinking About LASIK, but Concerned About Dry Eyes? What You Need to Know

Published by Lance Kugler, MD on June 17, 2016

Most people don’t experience dry eye as a result of LASIK; however, it can be a potential side effect. This can lead to some confusion about dry eye and LASIK. Fortunately, there has been a great deal of research into the topic that is providing important insights into LASIK, its benefits and the potential for side effects, such as dry eye.

Dry Eyes and LASIK

Brown eyes - close up

Let’s start by putting the subject of dry eye into its appropriate context–which actually has nothing to do with LASIK. The simplest definition of dry eye is a reduction in your tear production that results in your eyes feeling irritated and pretty uncomfortable and may even distort or blur vision. Dry eye is a very common condition and there are many potential causes including hormonal changes, medications and chronic conditions. Many contact lens users complain about dry eye symptoms as well.  In total, it is estimated that, here in the U.S., about 55 million Americans are affected by dry eye which is typically treated with lubricating eye drops and other therapies. There is very good news for those with dry eye symptoms who are thinking about LASIK.  The latest research shows that more than half of patients (59.2%) who had symptoms of dryness before LASIK reported their symptoms went away within three months after LASIK1.

LASIK Recovery

That said, we LASIK surgeons know patients may experience symptoms of dry eye after the procedure as part of the recovery and healing process.  This can be as long as 6 to 12 months for some patients. The research shows that 30 percent of patients without dry eye symptoms before LASIK experienced some form of dry eye at 3 months after surgery. However, the majority of the research study participants reported only mild symptoms.

Find out if You’re A LASIK Candidate!

So, if you want to get rid of your glasses or contacts, but have concerns about dry eye – what should you do?  It is important to discuss any dry eye symptoms you have during your consultation,  so we can thoroughly evaluate it and make an appropriate recommendation for your health and vision. A pre-operative course of dry eye treatment may improve the condition of your eyes and set you up for a successful LASIK outcome. The clinical research confirms today’s LASIK technologies and outcomes are better than they’ve ever been and if you are good candidates for the procedure, dry eye shouldn’t prevent you from taking advantage of the benefits of clear vision.

1 “Patient Reporting Outcomes: What Did We Learn from PROWL, “Presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery by Dan Durrie, M.D. May 8, 2016.

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